Thursday, 23 October 2008

Mexuar Corraleta™ is compatible with the Second Life® World

‘Mexuar Communications Ltd is a mixed media company that specialises in developing and delivering communication tools and programs. These are the tools you will need to bridge the gap between your applications, the internet and telecommunications’

Everyday we see an increase in the number of networking, social and dating sites. Many already have a communication tool built-in, the predominant one being IM (Instant Messaging), but wouldn’t it be more natural to integrate ‘speech’ for your communications as we all have something to say!

Mexuar’s Corraleta is a Java technology applet that sits on a communication server that is so tiny you can initiate a voice call through your web browser within 10 secs. At only 125kb you can communicate without router and firewall issues.

Corraleta technology is browser based, its platform independent, there is no software to install and is used to make VoIP calls – these can be free calls - or you can break out landline and mobile connections.

One of our clients was looking for a way to communicate virtually through the Second Life® World and by using this platform an ‘Audio Hotspot’ would enable natural ‘speech’ communications rather than text. They designed a bar area and we looked at the best way of initiating the communications.

It was decided that when an avatar (a graphical representation of a person) walked into the bar area and sat on a bar stool Corraleta would become active. When there were 5 avatars sat on bar stools they would all be able to speak to each other.

This can also be extended into private chat areas and for businesses requiring confidential communications in meeting and conference rooms.

Charles Woods, Mexuar Sales and Marketing Director said ‘Second Life is a very well known virtual world. More companies are building meeting places, bars, virtual offices and conference rooms and they will all need to communicate’ he continued ‘Corraleta delivers real-time, person-to-person speech and is a natural voice communication tool for virtual and social networks’.